
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

One Problem, Hundreds of Diseases, One Simple Cure..

What if I told you that there is just one problem that is the root cause of hundreds of diseases and illnesses and it has just one simple cure.. It's true a large, growing number of people especially in America, are effected by Acidosis.

Everyone has their own pH level, we've heard countless times of people curing cancer and other diseases by switching their diet. They eat more raw foods, more green veggies, etc..  Let examine why and how this healing occurs..

Our pH is either alkaline, neutral, or acidic..

...and each food and food product has it's pH..

Acidosis is when your body is too acidic. This is the root cause of most diseases. However, because Doctors are trained to look at a problem and suggest modern medicine or surgery, the root cause is often overlooked and in turn, worsens.

Acidosis causes the body to produce more insulin and store more fat. Which is why the majority of Americans who are overweight don't see a positive outcome when they reduce their fat intake. It's not a fat problem, it's an acid problem. Acidosis then causes our cells to break down due to the pressure, causing an array of long term damage. (cancer, low immune system, diabetes, acid reflex, heartburn, gallstones, kidney stones, ulcers, heart disease, the list goes on and on).. It increases the amount of free radicals in our bodies (the things that make us age and give us diseases). This means premature aging (And not necessarily aging that we can see). Yes it can cause wrinkles etc.. but it can mess with your vision, hearing, retention and hormone regulation.
When your blood is too acidic, it's like a chemical attack.. your body sends out an above average amount of white blood cells in order to combat, but there's nothing to battle.. resulting in an 'overdose' if you will, of white blood cells. This is one enormous cause of cancer. It eats away at our arteries and veins causing them to weaken. This can give us high or low blood pressure.

At this point a person is probably on medication after medication for high blood pressure, diabetes, they may be going through chemotherapy because they have cancer (Not to mention the list of medication that goes along with that). All to cover up and repress these warning signals that our body is so desperately trying to send us. Blood pressure medication, along with many other medications for many other diseases are harmful. Instead of getting to the root issue we're covering the symptoms by adding a cocktail of additional chemicals to our bodies (along with their side effects).

Acidosis causes a disruption of lipid and fatty acid metabolism which again, disrupts hormones. Balanced hormones are crucial to so many things for us, including maintaining a healthy weight.
Because of all these things combined, our cellular metabolism becomes almost entirely inefficient. This limits our body's access to it's energy reserve, leading you to constant or nearly constant energy drain.

If this sounds like your health biography or if you only experience a few of these symptoms, fret not! There is one simple cure: Switch your body from Acidic to Alkaline.


You can go vegan, you can start a raw food diet OR you can simply change a few things here and there. For example..

Stress causes our body to become acidic. So meditate, do yoga, exercise however you want but keep your body active for at least the recommended 30 mins per day. You'll reduce stress in the process. Make sure that you're taking it easy though, if you over exert yourself, that is a physical stress and you're defeating the purpose.

Deep breathing is another good one. It, by itself is actually very detoxifying. And, you guessed it, increases the oxygen in your body, making it more alkaline. By doing this you again, are reducing your stress.

Limit toxins. (Alcohol, smoking, pharmaceuticals, etc).

Increase your green leafy veggies!

Decrease processed foods and added salt.

Cut back on dairy. When you do consume dairy, make sure it's the real stuff!

You can add lemon to your water throughout the day, to help balance your pH.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

How I Lost 13lbs In Less Than One Month!


 I love food. I love everything about food. I love growing it, picking it out, cooking it, the way it looks and smells - you name it. What I don't like is "Dieting" in the modernized sense of the word.  I do, however also like clean eating and doing your best to be healthy.
 I have always been somewhat of a healthy person, but I'm no stranger to Ben and Jerry's and Netflix either. I would say that I was an average 'healthy' eater about one month ago. I would eat my fruit and veggies but I would also have the occasional fast food and soft drink.

 Although I've never struggled with being overweight, after having two children and slacking in the eating clean department, I knew I wasn't reaching my full potential and certainly wasn't back to my pre-baby weight. I was easily tired and often sluggish. I had no 'extra' energy to workout etc. 

So... how did I do it?

On September 13th I began my weight loss adventure. On October 5th I checked my weight and I had lost 13lbs! I couldn't believe it! By simply keeping a routine (That's not hard to keep up with) I had actually made a physical change.

So what did I do? There are several things that I did, and you can do them too!

First things first. You must try to cut out soda, ice cream, and other junk as much as possible. I know that is easier said than done but it only takes 28 days to make or break a habit. I can attest to this. When I began this, I was drinking at least one soda a day. Now if I have a drink of soda, it just tastes like a gross syrup and chemicals. If you can cut it out all together you will see dramatic results! 

Don't go for the boxed or bagged dinners, no matter how good the advertisement looks. These things are just salt and carbs. Very detrimental to your health. Instead choose whole foods as much as you can. Whole foods have no ingredients they ARE the ingredients.

My first thought being introduced to raw whole foods, was "No one can eat and get full on just salad and veggies!" Well that's true. It's all about what you do with those greens and veggies. For instance.. 2 eggs and one banana make killer pancakes that are packed with protein and will keep you full at least until your snack before lunch. There is the true secret! Protein! See, with sugar and carbs you're getting no protein so you can eat and eat and it takes forever to get full, then you're hungry again in 30 minutes. 

Another helpful hint is to switch things up by using herbs and spices in the kitchen instead of sugar and salt and you can replace (In almost any baking or cooking) coconut oil in the place of butter. When you do use butter, make sure it's real butter and not margarine. 

Now that you have a good platform to start..

Here are my 10 weight loss tips..

  1. Stay Hydrated - I began drinking two glasses of water upon waking (One of which was lemon/cucumber water) and a glass of water before every meal and throughout the day. Staying hydrated is very important. Otherwise you gain water weight as your body tries to store and retain water.
  2. Make breakfast the largest meal (with desert!!) - If you give your metabolism a jump start first thing in the morning -after hydrating of course- it will stay high throughout the day. Your lunch should be a bit smaller than breakfast and dinner should be the smallest meal of the day. This is the 'norm' in many other countries but unfortunately in the U.S. we see the opposite as conventional. 
  3. Green Tea - This one I cannot stress enough. So many health benefits including cleaning arteries of plaque and minimizing lower belly fat. It's great for lending a helping hand to your digestive system just after a meal and it's a wonderful way to energize.
  4. Vitamins - Vitamins will give you that little extra pep in your step and that's always a good thing! Make sure you get a good brand. Don't fall for a marketing scam like "Leading Brand" look at the ingredients and don't get any that contain harmful chemicals like red40 or aspartame. I take Vitafusion Miltivitamin and Omega-3 EPA/DHA.
  5. Remember that eating fat doesn't make you fat! - Healthy fats in your diet will help you burn fat. Very good for your body. Beware of "Low fat" and "Non fat" as that usually means it's a chemical sh*t storm! Stick to the natural, good fats. Your body needs them for many different reasons and they reduce your risk of cancer.
  6.  Portion control - This is one of the more important tips to remember.. your plate should be half fruit and/or veggies, and somewhere around 1/4 protein and 1/4 grains. (A bit more or less if you prefer) 
  7. Work it - Working out at the right time is very helpful. Working out first thing in the morning has been proven more effective. Working out about an hour before bed ensures that you burn off your extra fat from your last meal or snack before you go to sleep.
  8. There's no wrong way to exercise - Whether you're running a marathon or choosing a parking spot a little farther away from your destination than usual, you're exercising. You have to start somewhere. Don't be afraid to take breaks as often as you want or do less reps than the instructor suggests. Do your best and do it comfortably and make sure it's something you enjoy doing. 
  9. Avoid added sugar - Forget the soda, sweetened waters, and energy drinks as they are detrimental to your overall health in the first place, not just weight loss. Eliminate junk foods, reduce carbs (like breads, pastas and rice) Watch out for "Diet" or "Low Fat" labels as most of the time they are replaced with carbs. 
  10. Get your beauty rest - An adult needs no less than 7 hours of sleep per night.   

..and don't forget...

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Say "No" To Pinkwashing (In Honor of Breast Cancer Awareness)

I would like to share with you, why I, like many others (Doctors, Lawyers, Scientists, breast cancer survivors and patients) have chosen to boycott the Susan G Komen Foundation and expose the breast cancer fraud. 

Breast cancer is a very real thing and effects 1 in 8 women in the U.S. Unfortunately these statistics are not exactly accurate, somewhere between 50,000 and 90,000 women are falsely diagnosed with breast cancer every single year. Due to faulty Mammogram readings, or due to the exposure to the mammogram itself. These women are told they have cancer, treated unnecessarily (Chemo and radiation) and sometimes they even lose their breasts or portions of their breast and ultimately their lives. Because these women never had breast cancer to begin with, the radiation and chemotherapy kill perfectly healthy cells, which overtime can claim lives. However you seldom hear of this. It is usually just said that the cancer itself claimed the life.

For those who are accurately diagnosed, it is such a tragedy. There's nothing 'Pretty in Pink' about it. Which is why so many are in outrage about the Susan G Komen fraud and pinkwashing. This Foundation donates less than a dime for each dollar they make to finding a cure. Many Scientists are already on this rising tragedy and are calling for a boycott of the Susan G Komen Foundation which also supports sales of products which cause breast cancer, simply because they put a pink ribbon on the product.

So, what is Pinkwashing?
"Breast Cancer Action coined the term pinkwashing as part of our Think Before You Pink® campaign. Pinkwasher: (pink’-wah-sher) noun. A company or organization that claims to care about breast cancer by promoting a pink ribbon product, but at the same time produces, manufactures and/or sells products that are linked to the disease."

For more information:

Monday, July 7, 2014

Human Intelligence and Societies Misinterpretation of It (Part 2)

 In the 1840's many women giving birth in hospitals contracted puerperal fever.. it was the most common cause of maternal mortality in Europe. Dr. Semmelweis (Who was obsessed with the problem) realized that many of the students and Doctors were entering the maternity wards directly from dissecting rooms, where they had been touching corpses. He said that mortality rates would drop if Doctors would simply wash their hands before their next surgery or delivery. Sadly, nobody believed him because at the time the germ theory hadn't been proposed, much less proven.

Because of his (At the time) outrageous theory, he was ridiculed. He didn't stop though, he grew bitter and angry but he kept fighting for hand washing.. until 1865, when his wife and others committed him to an insane asylum where he died two weeks later, reportedly due to a beating by the staff.

The lesson.. Society is cruel and ignorant. An ignorant mind will dismiss and ridicule something it doesn't understand while a wise mind will be intrigued..

A smart man will sound like a crazy man to an ignorant man.

Romans 14:13

In Romans 14:13 it says that we should never judge others, and never place an obstacle or impediment in their path that could cause them to stumble. It says that no object in and of itself is unclean. HOWEVER, if fellow believers are convinced that something is unclean, then it IS unclean to them. If the food you eat harms your Brother, then you have failed to love him. Do not let what you eat tear down your Brother.

In other words, If someone is convinced that (Lets say for example) dancing is a sin.. don't try to convince them that it's not, because to them it is.. and if they dance while thinking it's bad, then it IS bad. Don't judge them for thinking that dancing is a sin.. and don't dance while they're around.

It is good to be a free Christian and to not be all law-bound and legalistic but if someone is, then love and respect them and their beliefs.

How Moderate Alcohol Drinking Can Boost Your Health

Moderate alcohol drinking increases longevity while decreasing the risk of heart disease by 25-50% in men and 20-40% in women. Moderate drinkers undergo fewer hospitalizations and have fewer disabilities than the general population. Also, if a moderate drinker DOES have a heart attack, they are 32% less likely to die than a non-drinker - and 59% less likely to have another attack. Moderate is defined as 1 drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men. "One drink" means 12oz. beer, 5 floz. wine, or 1.5floz. of 80 proof distilled spirits. Wine ia the best for you.. having many other benefits. Moderate drinking also helps reduce stress, which is a health boost in itself. If you easily get addicted to things, don't do this, any more than moderate drinking will be detrimental to your health, obviously.

Pick Up Your Prescription of Maggots Today!

In 1250 Doctors used maggots to treat people who had bedsores.. Recently it was discovered that this was actually a really good idea. Maggots will devour dead tissue from open wounds and eradicate bacteria by excreting a solution similar to ammonia.